

2023-03-01 12:28:35 编辑:join 浏览量:650


没什么特殊用法呀,就是个普通名词,有单复数变化。看看下面的例句:1. Interviewee: To accept a position which I thought offered more opportunity for development. 应聘者:我想要接受我认为可以提供更多发展机会的职位。2. Interviewer's note – if the interviewee cannot answer the above questions, skip to the last question. 如果您不能回答上述问题,请直接跳到最后一个问题。3. The trick to a successful interview is that an interviewee can impress the interviewers with his good qualities.成功面试的决窍在于被面试者能让面试者对他的优点留下印象。4. Don't snoop without permission, but if you see something that looks interesting, ask your interviewee to discuss it. 未经许可不要偷窥,但如果你看到 有趣 的事情,可以请访谈对象进行讨论。5. The best way for an interviewer to get answers to the questions above is for you, the interviewee, to take the initiative.面试官从你那里得到以上问题答案的最佳方法是,你,面试候选人主动出击。6. Likewise, an interviewee can often determine what kind of company he is applying to by how he is treated during an interview.同样地,被面试者往往也能根据面试时被对待的情形确定他所应徵的是什麽样的公司。7. How do the interviewer and interviewee play opposing roles during job interview? What strategies should the interviewee prepare in advance? 工作面试时,面试官和面试人员是如何扮演相对的角色的?面试人员应事先准备哪些策略?


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