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by the time 的意思和用法.

2023-03-01 05:16:49 编辑:join 浏览量:643

by the time 的意思和用法.

by the time 有两个意思: 一:by the time可以翻译为:这时候,在此时.相当于at the/that time. By the time he had lost contact with the Party. 这时他已和党失去联系. By the time we had settled in the third bus. 这时我们已在第3辆大汽车里坐好. 二:by the time,意为:在.之前已经. by the time our teacher came in ,we had started speaking English. 在老师进来前,我们都已经开始讲英语了. 你这句话的结构是对的.只是翻译过来感觉有点不是很顺口. by the time when got to the bus station,the bus had left. 在我们到达车站时,汽车早就开走了. by+时间名词.意为:“到…时(已发生某事),此时谓语多用完成时;最晚、不迟于…,在…之前”.如:by now/then/this time/next Friday/the end of/three o`clock等. By the end of last year,another new gymnasium had been completed.(2003上海·春)到去年年底,又有一座新体育馆峻工了.


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