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when the christmas come to the town 谁原唱的?

2023-07-20 14:54:41 编辑:join 浏览量:582

when the christmas come to the town 谁原唱的?

when Christmas comes to town此歌曲是2004年北美上映的圣诞电影《极地特快》(又名北极特快车)的插曲。歌曲旋律充满童真,给人以温馨感,美妙的爱尔兰天籁弦乐由美国的两名少年Matthew Hall 和 Meagan Moore倾情演唱,作为最动听的圣诞金曲代表作之一,给人尤其儿童的印象极为深刻。 英语歌词La la la la ... I'm wishing on a star when Christmas comes to townAnd trying to believe That even though it's far He'll find me at Christmas Eve I guess that Santa is busy Cause he‘s never come around I think of him when Christmas comes to town The best time of the year When everyone comes home With all this Christmas cheerIt's hard to be alone Putting up the Christmas treeWith friends you come around It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town Presents for the children wrapped in red and green All the things I've heard about, but never really see No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve Hoping Santa's on his way When Santa's sleigh bells ring I listen all around The herald angels sing I never hear a sound And all the dreams of children Once lost will all be found That's all I want when Christmas comes to town That's all I want when Christmas comes to town 中文翻译对着星星许下愿望并且尝试着去相信即使一切是多么遥远他会在圣诞夜来寻找我我猜圣诞老人一定是很忙因为这样所以他才没来到我的身边每当圣诞节来临的时候我都会想他一年之中最好的时节当每个人回到家的时候 带着圣诞节的祝福每个人都不会孤独当圣诞节来临到这个城市的时候 装饰起圣诞树 和朋友一起是多么快乐的事情给孩子们的礼物都被包裹在红色或者绿色的盒子里这些关于圣诞老人的事情我全都记得 只是从不曾真的见到没有人将会在圣诞节的夜晚睡觉希望圣诞老人在途中当圣诞老人的雪撬铃响的时候我听见他就在周围当天使的使者在歌唱我却从听不到这一种声音孩子的所有梦想曾经丢失的都将会被找回来这就是我想要的所有 当圣诞节降临在这个小镇时


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