当前位置:知识百答>百科问答>at the beginning和in the beginning有什么区别? 给两个例句?

at the beginning和in the beginning有什么区别? 给两个例句?

2023-08-05 21:34:44 编辑:join 浏览量:597

at the beginning和in the beginning有什么区别? 给两个例句?

区别: in the beginning 意为“开始时”; at the beginning不能单独用,它后面须加of,意思为“在开始…时候”: 1、At the beginning of the meeting,he didn′t say anything;but at the end of the meeting,he said a lot. 2、In the beginning,he sang a song;but in the end,he gave a speech on how to make friends.


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