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running man 20110206 E29 54分钟的插曲是什么歌?

2023-07-20 10:26:26 编辑:join 浏览量:578

running man 20110206 E29 54分钟的插曲是什么歌?

the I love you song


I love you I love you I love you my love

I love you I love you I love you My love

I wish there was another way

To say the ting I want to say

And not to have to say,I love you

Another way to make a start

To tell you what is in my heart

And how my every thoughts is of you

To find a phrase that says as well

The secret that I long to tell

I've scanned the dictionary's pages

But back to "i Love you" I'll go

Eight little letters in a row

that men have spoken through the ages

I love you I love you I love you my love

We say it in the songs we sing

We're read it in the things of spring

Or as the PS of a letter

A little cliche,quickly said

Familiar as our daily bread

Yet nothing seems to say it better

I might have said a hundred things

My phrases might have taken wings

Free the world or region hold and clever

But every time I seem to stall

Or three small words to say it all

Three little words that spell,forever

I'll shout it from the highest roof

I'll carve it in the trunks of trees

I'll tell the whispering breeze about you

I cannot hide it anymore

I cannot say it any less

I might as well confess,I love you

I love you I love you I love you my love

I love you I love you I love you my love

I love you I love you I love you my love

love you my love

在百度里面打名字 然后点歌曲 第二首就是 酷狗里面的歌曲 不是这个 希望能帮到你 望采纳


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