

2023-08-08 08:54:17 编辑:join 浏览量:621





You know when you give your love away

It opens your heart everything is new

And you know time will always find a way

To let your heart believe it's true

You know love is everything you say

A whisper a word promises you give

You feel it in the heartbeat of the day

You know this is the way love is

Love is love always love…

You know love will sometimes make you cry

So let the tears go they will flow away

For you know love will always let you fly

How far a heart can fly away

Love is love is love…

You know when love's shining in your eyes

It maybe the stars fallen from above

And you know love is with you when you rise

For night and day belong to love

《Amarantine》 You know when you give your love away,It opens your heart everything is new,And you know time will always find a way,To let your heart believe it's true,You know love is everything you say,A whisper a word promises you give,You feel it in the heartbeat of the day,You know this is the way love is,Love is love always love…,You know love will sometimes make you cry,So let the tears go they will flow away,For you know love will always let you fly,How far a heart can fly away,Love is love is love…,You know when love's shining in your eyes,It maybe the stars fallen from above,And you know love is with you when you rise,For night and day belong to love


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