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谁能用英文简单概括the lost thing的内容(简单概括)

2024-01-20 18:08:31 编辑:join 浏览量:544

谁能用英文简单概括the lost thing的内容(简单概括)

The Lost Thing is a humorous story about a boy who discovers a bizarre-looking creature while out collecting bottle-tops at a beach. Having guessed that it is lost, he tries to find out who owns it or where it belongs, but the problem is met with indifference by everyone else, who barely notice it’s presence. Each is unhelpful in their own way; strangers, friends, parents are all unwilling to entertain this uninvited interruption to day-to-day life. In spite of his better judgement, the boy feels sorry for this hapless creature, and attempts to find out where it belongs.网上搜的


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