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I Will Be Your Shelter这首歌的中文翻译

2023-10-18 06:08:28 编辑:join 浏览量:619

I Will Be Your Shelter这首歌的中文翻译

歌曲:《Will Be Your Shelter》演唱: Rebecca Blaylock专辑:TV Magic II中英文歌词: I Will Be Your Shelter 我要成为你的保护神How you feel the need to be the strong one when the time aster 当时光流逝,你是否觉得应该学会坚强I`ll find the way that to the fortress when i bring just burn 我终会找到通往城堡的大道,尽管我被烈日灼伤break away and let me be the soldier tonight放手过去,让我今夜守护你break away and let me hear your pain忘掉烦恼,让我分担你的痛楚let it rain and I`ll be your shelter in light不管风雨,我天天夜夜保护着你break away~~,break away 挣脱陪稿迅束缚,敞开心扉I can see your heart is aching and your will is gone我能看见你心在滴血,灰心丧气you can lay upon the pillow in the kerion 你麻木地躺在枕头上break away and let me be the soldier tonight放手过去,让我今夜守护你break away and let me hear your pain忘掉烦恼,让我分担你的痛楚let it rain and I`ll be your shelter in light不管风雨,我天天夜夜保护着你break away~~,break away 挣脱束缚,敞开心扉here`s the smell,here`s various things,here was the nothing芳香萦绕,万物竞发,尽收眼底else we are as one no need to run我们相敬瞎依,不再奔波I`ll be your shelter as the day is long我芦此会永远庇护着你break away and let me be the soldier tonight放手过去,让我今夜守护你break away and let me hear your pain忘掉烦恼,让我分担你的痛楚let it rain and I`ll be your shelter in light不管风雨,我天天夜夜保护着你break away,break away挣脱束缚,敞开心扉


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