

2023-09-26 17:18:58 编辑:join 浏览量:537


问题一:烦躁的用英语怎么说 Nervous, 焦虑不安的 Upset, 郁闷的,心烦意乱的 Fidget, 坐立难安的 Irritability是名词,形容词irritable, 易怒的 Whiny多指爱发牢骚的 agitated,焦躁不安的 最上面两个美语口语最常用 请采纳,不懂再问我 问题二:莫名其妙的烦躁用英文怎么说 reasonless distress/unrational annoyance 都可以的 问题三:烦躁英文怎么拼 fanzao 问题四:心情烦躁英语怎么说 I am in a bad mood 希望能帮到你, 如有疑问,可继续追问 问题五:心烦用英语怎么说 英语口语――我很烦 You got me all bent out of shape. 你使我心烦。 That gives me the hump. 那使我心烦。 The news pletely upset me. 这条消息使我极为心烦。 That man really bugs me. 那个人真使我心烦。 Stop whistling! You're getting on my nerves! 别吹口哨了! 扰得我心烦! His constant sniffing annoys me. 他不停地抽鼻子使我心烦。 I felt harassed by all the work at the office. 我因办公室里的工作而心烦。 It is irksome to listen to his constant plaints. 听他无休无止地抱怨真使人心烦。 Her petty plaints really gripe me. 她唠叨的抱怨真的弄得我心烦。 The thought of going to work tomorrow really depresses me. 想到明天要上班我就心烦。 问题六:我很烦躁 英文怎么说 I was very upset 问题七:今天很是烦躁用英语怎么说 今天很是烦躁. I am so agitated today. I suffer from the fidgets today. 希望可以帮到你 望采纳 问题八:烦躁,用英文怎么说? burn in 问题九:心烦英语怎么说 “心烦”的十种英语表达 1. You got me all bent out of shape. 你使我心烦。 2. That gives me the hump. 那事使我心烦。 3. The news pletely upset him. 这条消息使他极为心烦。 4. The child's screams jarred my nerves. 那孩子的尖叫声让我心烦。 5. That man really bugs me. 那个人真让我心烦。 6. It's getting on my nerves. 真让人心烦。 7. The noise was maddening. 喧闹的声音让人心烦。 8. His questions drove me to distraction. 他问的那些问题使我心烦。 9. The bad news bothered me. 那个坏消息让我烦心了。 10. I felt harassed by all the work at the office. 办公室的工作让我烦躁不已。 问题十:烦躁的用英语怎么说 Nervous, 焦虑不安的 Upset, 郁闷的,心烦意乱的 Fidget, 坐立难安的 Irritability是名词,形容词irritable, 易怒的 Whiny多指爱发牢骚的 agitated,焦躁不安的 最上面两个美语口语最常用 请采纳,不懂再问我


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