当前位置:知识百答>生活百科>14.How many students are talking about Andy and Jacky?___A.3.B.4.C.5.D.6.15.___ thinks Andy is the best Chinese singer.A.Jim B.Li Tao C.Linda D.Zhang Fang16.Linda likes Andy's___ very much.A.movies B.voice C.language D.songs.

14.How many students are talking about Andy and Jacky?___A.3.B.4.C.5.D.6.15.___ thinks Andy is the best Chinese singer.A.Jim B.Li Tao C.Linda D.Zhang Fang16.Linda likes Andy's___ very much.A.movies B.voice C.language D.songs.

2023-08-18 21:36:30 编辑:join 浏览量:629

14.How many students are talking about Andy and Jacky?___A.3.B.4.C.5.D.6.15.___ thinks Andy is the best Chinese singer.A.Jim       B.Li Tao     C.Linda     D.Zhang Fang16.Linda likes Andy's___ very much.A.movies    B.voice      C.language    D.songs.


14题答案:C.细节理解题.通过浏览这个表格我们可以看到,在这里谈论谁是更好的歌手的学生一共有5个,他们是Jim、Li Tao、Linda、Zhang Fang和Liu Ying.故选C.

15题答案:A.细节理解题.根据表格中的第一个人Jim的话Some people sayJacky is the best Chinese singer.I don't think so!Andy is the best.可知,虽然一些人觉得Jacky 是中国最好的歌手,但是他觉得Andy才是最棒的.故选A.

16题答案:A.细节理解题.根据表格中关于Linda的内容中I think they'reabout the same.But Andy is a better actor.I've seen almost all of his movies.可知,Linda认为,这两个歌手都很好,但是她喜欢Andy的电影,她几乎看过他所有的电影.故选A.


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