

2023-05-27 06:52:54 编辑:join 浏览量:632





Long hours on set for months on end, screen smooches and steamy sex scenes... it's not surprising so many on-screen romances spark off-camera chemistry. What is perhaps more surprising is when those intense passionate affairs turn into steady long-term relationships involving marriage and children.拍摄长时间的亲密无间、剧中亲吻还有模模糊糊的性爱镜头也难怪那么多荧幕情侣在镜头之外生出火花。更叫人惊讶的是,这些强烈迸生的爱意变成了稳定的、长时间的情侣关系,甚至走向了结婚生子。

These A-list couples fell in love on-set and turned their on-screen love story into a real-life happy-ever-after (at time of going to press). Here is the list:这些一线璧人们戏内生情,并把火花擦到到荧幕之外,变成了之后幸福的生活在了一起(的童话爱情物语?!)以下就是(都有谁呢?)



Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie布拉德·皮特和安吉丽娜·朱莉

Perhaps the most notable movie-turned-actual romance, these two acting juggernauts hit it off on the set of the spy action flick Mr. and Mrs. Smith. In more heartbreaking news, the movie – and subsequent relationship – is thought to be the reason for Pitt’s divorce from another acting hottie, Jennifer Aniston.也许这是荧幕结缘最知名的一对儿了,这两名演艺圈的超级大腕在拍摄间谍动作电影《史密斯夫妇》时一拍即合。更叫人心碎的消息是这部电影和随之擦出的浪漫火花成为皮特和他的火辣前妻詹妮弗·安妮斯顿离婚罪魁祸首。


Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied娜塔莉·波特曼和本杰明·米派德

Natalie Portman met New York City Ballet dancer and choreographer Benjamin Millepied on the set of 2010's "Black Swan." The couple announced that they were engaged and expecting their first child in December 2010.2010年拍摄电影《黑天鹅》时,娜塔莉·波特曼结识了美国纽约城市芭蕾舞团舞蹈家兼编舞的本杰明·米派德。这对佳人在2010年12月宣布订婚并期待着第一个孩子的出生。


Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz丹尼尔·克雷格和瑞切尔·薇兹

Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz had known each other for several years, but it wasn't until the pair worked on the movie "The Dream House" (playing husband and wife) that they were rumored to become involved romantically. The couple had a quiet courtship before marrying secretly in 2011. The wedding took place in front of just four guests in New York -- Daniel's daughter, son and two friends.丹尼尔·克雷格和瑞切尔·薇兹相识已久,但是直到合拍电影《梦之家》(饰演夫妇)时才传出绯闻。这对佳人在2011秘密结婚前低调的求了婚。他们的婚礼在纽约举行,参与者只有4名宾客丹尼尔的一双儿女和两位友人。


Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield艾玛·斯通和安德鲁·加菲尔德

The hot young couple played Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker/Spider-Man, respectively, in The Amazing Spider-Man. After a brief break, the two actors have allegedly reunited and are now engaged.这对火辣的小情侣在《超凡蜘蛛侠》电影里分别扮演了格温·斯黛西和彼得·帕克(蜘蛛侠)。在小打小闹小分手后,两位演员已重修旧好,如今已订婚!



Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez哈莉·贝瑞和奥利维·马丁内兹

Chemistry alert! Halle Berry and her French hubby Olivier Martinez first met on the set of the film Dark Tide in 2011. Once they connected off camera, their love story moved full-speed ahead. The couple have since welcomed a son, Maceo, and tied the knot in a grand Parisian wedding celebration.高能恩爱警报!哈莉·贝瑞和她的法国丈夫奥利维·马丁内兹结识于2011年的电影《暗潮》。跳出镜头之外,他们的恋爱颂歌便光速进展。这对璧人之后已育有一子(马赛奥)并举行了一场盛大的巴黎婚礼喜结连理。


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