

2023-02-24 18:40:57 编辑:join 浏览量:657


My sisters and I grew up in a small village in England. My father was a lawyer, making a meager living by running errands all around the world; yet I always thought of him as one of a kind. He never scolded us but used praise instead to highlight our strengths. He had a saying that "if you water the flowers, they will flourish. If you just let them be, they'll die."I still remember when I was small, I cursed at someone once, and my father said "the words you use to describe someone else reflects directly on your own character." He also explained that finding other people's strengths helps them see yours too. This is a teaching I always lived by when I ran my own company. My father was also very understanding. When I was 15, I designed my own magazine and spent a lot of time and effort on it. My principal at the time let me decide for myself whether I wanted to take a leave of absence or continue studying.自己翻译的,保证没有语法错误。希望对你有帮助—— ♥


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