

2024-01-02 07:58:09 编辑:join 浏览量:545


Today, finally read the "dream come true," All along I do not like to see how art films, art films, and sometimes that is too light, wait for them to sprinkle the salt up a few; sometimes it is too subtle, too deep, saw a half-day or do not know about what. "Dream come true" belongs to the latter, even though the look of the profile only to see, but still look dim.  From this film, I suddenly find true love is so great. Affection, love, friendship, like all human emotions in this film demonstrated. Gram Morris to find her daughter in heaven, and after untold hardships to go to hell to find his wife. Everybody kind of changed, became a hero who was praised over and over confidence of a man, can not recognize each other. It is precisely because of the mutual understanding and thoughts, only so that they can eventually join you. Difficult to imagine the reality of people to believe true love exists, but I found true love and perseverance under the confident, convinced he can succeed, there firmly believe there is a miracle, never give up, perhaps, dreams can come true.  Actor grams of Morris's death has been living in his wife's paintings, by the memories alive. In fact, I think living in the memories is a very terrible thing. While there are good memories and sadness, but memories of things even better is the thing of the past, it can not change the person, any situation, only in the memories of the moment slowly heal the wound, can be recovered when the other , but the wound will tear more. Anne, too, have children and her husband passed away, she can only rely on memories alive, but still the same pain and loneliness, so she chose to die, to die to escape. This I can understand that when a person does not want to, perhaps death is the best way.  This reminds me of my neighbor and classmate, in our fourth-old summer time, they drowned the two siblings, her father because of their sick leave with a fight, her mother, overwhelmed with grief. The same story, but in real life. The difference is, the play's mother went with them, and my neighbor's mother, long married life, but women, live a good death. I suddenly found that: the original one can live well. It all depends on that person is living in memories, or to get rid of memories, over their life.  Another point is that thoughts of heaven and hell issue. In fact, I do not believe there is heaven and hell, reincarnation of. But the film that dead people can expect to live in their own paradise in which I was quite envious. In reality people have too much pressure, death can live in their own thought, no pain, only a harmonious paradise should be very happy to do it. Everyone has everyone's paradise, but also have their own hell, where even if you're a person, you believe that the world is your living world.  今天终于看完了《美梦成真》,其实一直以来我都不怎么喜欢看文艺片,认为文艺片有时候太淡,恨不得洒几把盐上去;有时候又太含蓄,太深奥,看了半天还是不明白讲了什么。《美梦成真》就属于后者吧,虽然是先看了简介才去看的,但还是看的朦朦胧胧。  从这篇影片中,我突然发现真爱是如此伟大。亲情,爱情,友情,好像人类的所有感情都在这篇影片中表现了出来。克理斯在天堂里寻找女儿,又历经千辛万苦去地狱寻找他妻子。每个人都变了样,变成了男主角曾经赞美过的和曾经信任过的人的样子,不能相认。正是因为对彼此的了解与思念,才使他们最终能够团聚在一起。很难想象现实中有相信真爱的人存在,可是我发现了真爱下的坚信与恒心,坚信自己能成功,坚信有奇迹存在,永不放弃,也许,美梦就能成真。  男主角克理斯死后一直活在他妻子的画中,靠回忆活着。其实,我觉得活在回忆中是一件很可怕的事情。回忆固然有美好的与悲伤的,但回忆的事即使是美好的也是过去的事了,它不能改变人的任何境况,只能在回忆的瞬间慢慢抚平伤口,可等回过神来时,却会把伤口撕裂的更大。安妮也一样,儿女和丈夫都离开了人世,她只能靠回忆活着,但还是一样的痛苦与孤独,所以她选择了死,以死来解脱。这点我还是可以理解的,当一个人没有希望时,也许死是最好的办法。  这令我想到了我的邻居兼同学,在我们小学四年纪暑假时,她们俩姐弟溺水身亡了,她父亲也因本身有病加上打击离去了,她母亲痛不欲生。同样的剧情,却发生在现实生活中。不同的是,剧中的母亲也随她们去了,而我邻居的母亲,早就又嫁人生女,活死亡很好。我又忽然发现:原来一个人也可以活的很好。这就要看那人是活在回忆中,还是摆脱回忆,过自己的生活了。  还有一点感想就是天堂与地狱的问题了。其实,我是不相信什么有天堂地狱,生死轮回的。但影片中那些死了的人可以活在自己所期望的天堂中,这点我还是蛮羡慕的。现实中的人有太多的压力,死后能活在自己所想的,没有痛苦,只有和谐的天堂里应该是很幸福的事吧。各人都有各人的天堂,也有各自的地狱,哪那怕你是一家人,你所相信的世界就是你身处的世界。  希望采纳,


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