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main course是什么意思?

2023-12-24 08:48:15 编辑:join 浏览量:561

main course是什么意思?

主帆,主要课程,主菜; 大菜; 主航道; 1.For the last supper, perhaps, he was the main course. 对于最后的晚餐,他大概是最后的主菜.2.Here'坦敬s the "main course" what have you got for me? 这是"主菜"你给我找了什么?3.That was just the amuse bouche.now the main course. 这仅仅是游玩南瓜。现在的主要课程。4.The main course of smoked sea bass is a classic dish that has been served in a michelinthree-star setting for more than 20 years. 法升信棚米其林三星主台,主菜更是在他餐二十多年典菜--淡海。5.Light eaters may want to order the cold noodle lunch set ( hk$ 85), which comes with amain course of egg ramen noodles tossed in house-made black sesame dressing. 喜欢清淡口吵则味的顾客可以点上一份冷面午餐套餐(85港元),其中的主菜是拌有餐厅自制黑芝麻调料的日式鸡蛋拉面。


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