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life on top什么意思

2023-09-27 13:38:50 编辑:join 浏览量:626

life on top什么意思

life on top处于优势的生活on top[英改伏][ɔn tɔp][美][ɑn tɑp]在上面; 处于优势例句:1.Perhaps we'll sing hymns rhapsodizing our role as an ornate node in a vast network ofnew life that is spawning on top of the old. 自旧的生命系统中诞生出新生命的庞尘如大网络,人类则成为其中一个华丽的节点也许我们还会为此高唱赞美诗哩! 2.Part of the weariness of modem life may be that we live too much on top of each other,and are entertained and fed too regularly. 现代生活的疲惫或许源于我们在生活核兄携上相互攀比,过于优越,你来我往的款待应酬过于频繁。


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