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美国原装BabyPlus(宝宝佳)胎教系统 胎教仪

2023-07-26 21:20:26 编辑:join 浏览量:603

美国原装BabyPlus(宝宝佳)胎教系统 胎教仪

美国原装BabyPlus(宝宝佳)胎教系统 胎教仪胎教史上革命性创造有用没用,看看真正的用户怎么说的就知道>>>胎教工具BabyPlus现今,胎教越来越受到人们的关注。美国BabyPlus公司发明出一种叫“BabyPlus”的胎教工具,经过18年的科学研究证明,这一工具确实有效。 “BabyPlus”由16种经科学设计的不同节奏的声音组成,这些音节模仿孕妇的心跳声并随着孕期的增加,节拍逐渐加快,胎儿可非常清晰地听到这些有节奏感的声音,同时,将听到的来自“BabyPlus”的声音与来自妈妈声音加以区别。由“BabyPlus”发出的声音尽管对成年人来说是单调乏味的。但它的节拍随着孕期不同而微妙的变化,却对胎儿的大脑发育非常有利。 最初“BabyPlus”的搏动频率为每秒1次(1赫兹),这与孕妈妈的心跳频率和新生儿的脑波频率(1-2赫兹)非常接近。这种搏动的声音传递到胎儿耳中,会使胎儿听到与妈妈体内动脉血液流经子宫的声音非常相似的声音。随着模拟声音节拍速度的加快(每周进行一次频率调整)胎儿会将这种声音与他所听到的周围背景“噪音,比如:妈妈的呼吸心跳,胎盘血流,静脉血流声等,进行对比,从而辨认出节拍的变化。模拟音节拍的加速,能促使胎儿不得不提高大脑抓取和处理这些声音信号的速度。以便将其与其它背景“噪音”进行比较。这就自然激励了胎儿脑神经网络和大脑记忆库的发育。使用这种工具进行胎教的益处还有如下表现形式:




4,注意力集中时间也较其他宝宝长。Babyplus是基于超过18年的科学研究验证BabyPlus宝宝佳是什么?BabyPlus®宝宝佳是为期16星期的胎教专科器材,自1989年以来,全球有超过110,000家庭使用过。 Babyplus模仿孕妇的心跳声,胎儿会将Babyplus的声音与他在胎盘中所听到的其他声音(如母亲的呼吸和心跳声等)进行区别和比较,在过程中提高胎儿的脑部发展,增强认知能力。------------------------------胎 教以现代科学数据设计,以胎儿最熟悉的语言 “心跳声” 施教.-----------------------------------------------------BabyPlus©宝宝佳的胎教可增加脑细胞的回路(synapses,对小宝宝有极大的好处。回路的增加可令出生后的孩子拥有更成熟的脑部,小宝宝援乳时很容易,睡得好,有很好的专注力及有很强的学习能力,能自我安定情绪。胎中小宝宝在识别不同节拍的心跳之过程中巳开始学习,同时脑细胞也开始产生辨别声音的能力,从刺激了记忆及活动功能。-------------------------BabyPlus®宝宝佳是21世纪学习器材的大突破-------------------------其他以音乐,读书,唱歌作谋体的胎教产品的功効是有限的,因为:•一般的声音都没法穿过羊水到达胎儿.•音乐可有効平定妈妈的情绪但对胎儿来说是太复杂.•语言对胎儿也是太复杂.国外的有关科技资料— 美国的脑科专家Dr. R. Joseph 于1999年发表了一篇论文,说明了每个胎儿的脑细胞,在母亲体内会快速地以两至三倍超额生产,但若没有任何外来的刺激,至怀孕八个月时,40-75%的脑细胞便会因没有和其他脑细胞连结而枯萎 (不会影响孩子健康。Babyplus的”听觉练习”有助巩固胎儿脑细胞之间的连结,增加脑细胞的迴路,令出生後的孩子擁有更成熟的腦部。小寶寶援乳時很容易,睡得好,有很好的專注力及有很強的學習能力,能自我安定情緒。Strengthens the brain development of your prenatal child with patented, scientifically designed audio lessons that are heard in the womb!"BabyPlus babies are born to learn."Robert Bennett, Ph.DBabyPlus is one of the most popular products for developing a prodigy!A progressive developmental tool that gets resultsBabies at birth and infancy:Develop better spleeing patterns More readily nurse Have increased ability to self-soothe More interactive and responsive More relaxed and alert at birthAnd later in life, these children demonstrate: Earlier developmental milestones Improved school readiness and intellectual abilities Greater curiosity and independence Longer attention spans BabyPlus is based on more than 20 years of scientific researchBabyPlus prenatal curriculum introduces your developing baby to learning in the only true language of the prenatal environment, the maternal heartbeat. The spoken word is too difficult for the developing child to understand and music is too complex. However, scientifically conducted studies show that the prenatal child recognizes the marternal heartbeat and can learn to differentiate progressively altered versions of that sound.In the prenatal period, the brain is at its most receptive developmental stage. By stimulating brain cells and their connecting elements during this crucial developmental period, independent studies have proven that the overall brain sturcture is stonger at birth and this benefit continues througout the life of the child.This early advantage means children will be able to absord and appreciate far more of their environment than if they had not received this prenatal enrichment. BabyPlus children will have an intellectual, developmental, creative and emotional advantage from the time they are born.The BabyPlus contains 16 rhythmic sounds that simulate a mother’s heartbeat and these sounds are an “auditory exercise” that “strengthen brain connections. The BabyPlus lessons are designed to be played for one hour twice a day. For optimal benefits, start using BabyPlus any time between 18 - 32 weeks of pregnancy.Features: Adjustable strap Sixteen different lessons Safe and easy to use Featured on the Learning Channel Automatic shutoff after one hour Complete instruction manual and usage diary Requires 4 AA batteries (not included) Frequently Ask Questions:1.Why should we use BabyPlus?The real question is, "why wouldnt you use BabyPlus?"It is safe, it is scientifically sound, and the benefits are remarkable.In order to give your child every advantage, you take care of your health while your pregnant - eating right, taking prenatal vitamins, avoiding alcohol, etc.Why not start educating your child as early as possible?2. When should I start using the BabyPlus Prenatal Education System?Ideally, you may begin using the system anytime between weeks 18 and 32 of pregnancy. We have had mothers start using the system as late as 34 weeks of pregnancy and still have seen the positive effects.The following chart is a guide to help you determine your start date and the corresponding schedule of the lessons.Find the week you arecurrently pregnantIn this columnThis will be the number of days you will use each lesson(twice a day)18th week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 9 days19th week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 9 days20th week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 9 days21st week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 8 days22nd week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 8 days23rd week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 7 days24th week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 7 days25th week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 6 days26th week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 6 days27th week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 5 days28th week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 5 days29th week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 5 days30th week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 4 days31st week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 4 days32nd week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 5 days33rd week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 3 days34th week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 3 days35th week of pregnancy-->Use each lesson 2 days查看详细


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