

2023-05-20 22:18:52 编辑:join 浏览量:590


ADB全称Android Debug Bridge, 是android sdk里的一个工具, 用这个工具可以直接操作管理android模拟器或者真实的andriod设备(如G1手机).它的主要功能有:* 运行设备的shell(命令行)* 管理模拟器或设备的端口映射* 计算机和设备之间上传/下载文件* 将本地apk软件安装至模拟器或android设备ADB是一个 客户端-服务器端 程序, 其中客户端是你用来操作的电脑, 服务器端是android设备..先说安装方法, 电脑上需要安装客户端. 客户端包含在sdk里. 设备上不需要安装, 只需要在手机上打开选项settings-applications-development-USB debugging.对于Mac和Linux用户, 下载好的sdk解压后, 可以放~或者任意目录. 然后修改~/.bash_profile文件, 设置运行环境指向sdk的tools目录.具体是打开~/.bash_profile文件(如果没有此文件也可以自行添加), 在里面加入一行:export PATH=${PATH}:/tools然后就可以使用adb命令了.嫌安装麻烦的同学其实也可以省去上面安装步骤, 直接输入完整路径来使用命令。对于windows xp用户, 需要先安装usb驱动 android_usb_windows.zip, 然后如果你只打算使用adb而不想下载整个sdk的话, 可以下载这个单独的adb工具包 adb_win.zip 下载后解压, 把里面 adb.exe 和 AdbWinApi.dll 两个文件放到系统盘的 windows/system32 文件夹里就可以了现在说下ADB常用的几个命令查看设备* adb devices这个命令是查看当前连接的设备, 连接到计算机的android设备或者模拟器将会列出显示安装软件* adb install 这个命令将指定的apk文件安装到设备上.卸载软件* adb uninstall * adb uninstall -k 如果加 -k 参数,为卸载软件但是保留配置和缓存文件.登录设备shell* adb shell* adb shell 这个命令将登录设备的shell.后面加将是直接运行设备命令, 相当于执行远程命令从电脑上发送文件到设备* adb push 用push命令可以把本机电脑上的文件或者文件夹复制到设备(手机)从设备上下载文件到电脑* adb pull 用pull命令可以把设备(手机)上的文件或者文件夹复制到本机电脑显示帮助信息* adb help这个命令将显示帮助信息这里还有一个英文版的:在DOS下输入以下命令基本可以完成刷机任务,一些常用命令解释如下:adb devices - 列出连接到电脑的ADB设备(也就是手机),一般显示出手机P/N码.如果没有显示出来则手机与电脑没有连接上.adb install – 安装手机软件到手机中,如:adb install qq2009.apk.adb remount – 重新打开手机写模式(刷机模式).adb push - 传送文件到手机中,如:adb push recovery.img /sdcard/recovery.img,将本地目录中的recovery.img文件传送手机的SD卡中并取同样的文件名.adb pull - 传送手机的文件到本地目录(和上命令相反).adb shell - 让手机执行命令,就是手机执行的命令.如: adb shell flash_image recovery /sd-card/recovery-RAv1.0G.img,执行将recovery-RAv1.0G.img写入到recovery 区中.我们刷recovery时一般按下顺序执行:adb shell mount -aadb push recovery-RAv1.0G.img /system/recovery.imgadb push recovery-RAv1.0G.img /sdcard/recovery-RAv1.0G.imgadb shell flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RAv1.0G.img reboot其它的自己灵活运用了.ADB命令详解:Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.20 -d  - directs command to the only connected USB device returns an error if more than one USB device is present.-e  - directs command to the only running emulator.returns an error if more than one emulator is running.-s – directs command to the USB device or emulator withthe given serial number-p – simple product name like ’sooner’, or a relative/absolute path to a product out directory like ‘out/target/product/sooner’.If -p is not specified, the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT environment variable is used, which must be an absolute path.devices   – list all connected devicesdevice commands: adb push – copy file/dir to deviceadb pull – copy file/dir from deviceadb sync [ ] – copy host->device only if changed (see ‘adb help all’)adb shell – run remote shell interactivelyadb shell – run remote shell commandadb emu – run emulator console commandadb logcat [ ] – View device logadb forward – forward socket connectionsforward specs are one of:tcp:localabstract:localreserved:localfilesystem:dev:jdwp: (remote only)adb jdwp  – list PIDs of processes hosting a JDWP transportadb install [-l] [-r] – push this package file to the device and install it(‘-l’ means forward-lock the app)(‘-r’ means reinstall the app, keeping its data)adb uninstall [-k] – remove this app package from the device(‘-k’ means keep the data and cache directories)adb bugreport – return all information from the device that should be included in a bug report.adb help – show this help messageadb version – show version numDATAOPTS: (no option) – don’t touch the data partition-w – wipe the data partition-d – flash the data partitionscripting: adb wait-for-device – block until device is onlineadb start-server – ensure that there is a server runningadb kill-server – kill the server if it is runningadb get-state – prints: offline | bootloader | deviceadb get-serialno – prints: adb status-window – continuously print device status for a specified deviceadb remount – remounts the /system partition on the device read-writeadb root – restarts adb with root permissionsnetworking: adb ppp [parameters] – Run PPP over USB.Note: you should not automatically start a PDP connection. refers to the tty for PPP stream. Eg. dev:/dev/omap_csmi_tty1[parameters] – Eg. defaultroute debug dump local notty usepeerdnsadb sync notes: adb sync [ ] can be interpreted in several ways:- If is not specified, both /system and /data partitions will be updated.- If it is “system” or “data”, only the corresponding partition is updated


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