

2024-01-29 05:58:14 编辑:join 浏览量:618


1.exe 进程信息 进程名称: 1.exe 详细名称:友败 Trojan.W32.Tooso 具体描述: 1.EXE is a process which is registered as the TROJ_SUA.A worm. This virus is distributed via the Internet through e-mail and comes in the form of an e-mail message, in the hopes that you open it's hostile attachment. The worm has it's own SMTP engine which means it gathers E-mails from your local computer and re-distributes itself. In worst cases this worm can allow attackers to access your computer, stealing passwords and personal data. 能否关闭: 病毒进程,宏告凳强烈建议关闭! 后台进程: 是 其他信息: 无 系统进程: 是 后台程序: 是 使用网络: 是 硬件相关: 否 常见错误蔽旅: 未知 内存使用: 是(开机上网自动运行) 危险程度:低 病毒位置:win临时文件和系统文件夹(system_32)。 C:\WINDOWS\system32 C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate 之后册除1.exe-26.exe-a.exe程序 解决方法删除即可。


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