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chasing the sun是什么意思

2023-12-24 14:28:03 编辑:join 浏览量:545

chasing the sun是什么意思

CHASING THE SUN网配穗络追逐太阳双语例句 1We are chasing the sun. 我们追赶太阳。 2Determined to pursue greater natural expanses and the origins of life, at age24 Yayanagi embarked on a two year journey through the Mediterranean, Brazil, finally chasing the sun to Africa. 为了追寻更广阔的自然及生命的起源,矢柳氏于廿四岁那年开始了物橡为期两年的旅程。他周游地中海、巴西,更为著艳阳培蚂卜到过非洲。


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