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let me hear中文歌词

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let me hear中文歌词

《Let Me Hear》演唱: Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas所属专辑:《Let Me Hear》发行时间:2014-01-07歌词:You guys do not notice 或许你们都没有意识到 that we are gifted just by being humans 作为人类是上天的慷慨恩赐 We are absolute predators 我们都是绝对的猎食者 We do not even have any enemies 我们甚至没有任何天敌 Maybe there are other animals watching us 也许某种生物正虎视眈眈的盯着我们 and thinking that someday “we will beat them down” 暗想着终有一天会将他们击败 Oh We have the brains to think hard 哦我们拥有可以思考的大脑 Wear our favorite clothes 可以穿着我们喜欢的衣服 We are at no doubt human beings 毫无疑问 我们就是人类 Many small lives 无数渺小漏闹的生命 They were born 他们降生在这个世界 with the fate 却逃脱不了宿命 of dying for someone 为人类死去的宿命 A human baby 人类的孩子 When will they find out 他们什么时候才会发现 that at the point they were born, we are 在他们诞生的那一刻起 (the) winners of Earth 我们就是真正的赢家 ああ ひとり泣いていた となりのきみが问いかける 啊一个人独自哭泣 身旁的你问我怎么了 だから仆ら寄り添い生きる 煌めくまで 我们相依相偎返液罩风雨同行甚至书写辉煌人生 For what have I been living for? 我该为谁为了何种目的而活 When will I find out the answer? 何时我才会发觉答案 An answer that is only for you 我会是怎样的自己 What will myself and (the) first scenery I saw 而我见过的第一道风景又会是怎样 Look like? 又会是怎样 It's my face, my face 会是我的面容吧 Shut up! I read this inside the book I read before 闭嘴 我曾在书里读到过 [The book I read before] 我以前读的书里读到过 According (to) Maslow 根据马斯洛的需求层次理论 [According (to) Maslow] 根据马斯洛的需求层次理论 There are five steps (in a) human's desire 人类的需求会有五个层次 To live a long long life to stay safe and to receive 才能安然度过漫长的人生 [Baby] 宝贝 love from others 他人的关爱 To get respect from 他人的尊重 [Baby] 宝贝 others, To get closer 才能更靠近 [Yeah] 耶 to your ideal 你的理想 [Yeah] 耶 That's what it said 这就是那理论 [Yeah] 耶 No matter how hard other animals try, 无论其他物种有多么努力 they probably can't go over the first step 即便是第一个需求他们都不可能做到 That is how intelligent we are and, 这就是我们的智慧之处 (an animal) filled with greed 而这埋旦又带着贪婪的欲望 But that is probably why we can still live 但这或许就是 on the top of the food chain 我们仍可以活在食物链顶端的原因吧 in this blue planet although we have weak bodies 在这蓝色的星球 虽然我们没有强壮的躯体 ああ また君の目に いつもの朝が 映り込む 啊 往常的清晨 再次映在你眼底 流れる 涙が きえてゆく 流淌的泪 渐渐消逝 For what to live for 我们为何而活 Think deeply as you live yeah 仔细想想你的人生吧 Cuz you humans are (the) only ones 因为人类是唯一 that can do this on Earth 可以改变着世界的物种 新しい答えを 渴求新的答案 What is it that you want to get in your right hands? 你的右手想抓紧握牢什么 Let me hear 让我听听 Tell me your new answer 告诉我你全新的答案 Prove that you are different from monkies 向我证明你不同于猿类 If there is nothing to crave for, 如果无欲无求 humans will die in a way 人类将因此灭绝 Don't you think so too? 难道不是吗 Let me hear, Let me hear, Let me hear 让我听听 让我听见你的答案


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