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You son of a bitch,用中文怎么说

2023-10-27 18:38:15 编辑:join 浏览量:535

You son of a bitch,用中文怎么说

son of a bitch是you的同位语,修饰you。所以完整的结构应该是:You son of a bitch (are so rude)! 你这混蛋(真粗鲁)睁局闹!同位语并非一定要加逗号的。  e.g: You (guys) are so cool!括号中的部分当然可以随便换成别的。  you son of a bitch 并不是 you are a son of a bitch 的省略形式。  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  son of a bitch  英 [ sʌn ɔv ə bɪtʃ ] 美 [ sʌn ʌv e bɪtʃ ]  释义<俚> 讨厌的浑蛋  变形:复数: sons of bitches  双语例句  1. 悉罩 I'll kill that son of a bitch when I get my hands on him!  我要是逮住那个王八蛋,非要了他的狗命不可!  2.  She called her boyfriend a two - faced son of a bitch.  她叫她的男友双面王八蛋.  3.  Finally the son of a bitch walked out of one of the buildings near the runway there.  那混蛋终于从跑道附近的一幢房子里走了出来.  《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》:  1  N-COUNT   If someone is very angry with another person, or if they want to insult them, they sometimes call them a son of a bitch .  《英汉双向大腊备词典》:  1  〈俚〉 家伙; 讨厌的工作  Finally the son of a bitch walked out of one of the buildings near the runway there.  那混蛋终于从跑道附近的一幢房子里走了出来。  《英英释义》Noun:  1. insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous


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