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buz 英 ['bʌz]     美 ['bʌz]    abbr. buzzer 蜂音器,蜂鸣器; 布兹释义常用度分布图海词统计布兹buz的用法和样例:例句Mobile Internet and Wireless Internet are the buz words widely seen today.移动互联网和无线互联网是随处可见的热点词汇。Tears threatened to fall as she thought of his strong craggy face under his military buz cut.当她想到他制服帽子下棱角分明的脸时,眼泪似乎随时会掉下来。Route 66, "The Strengthening Angels" (11/4/60). Buz and Tod help a reluctant young mother who's being railroaded into a murder charge by the local townspeople.《66号公路》之〈加坦乎丛强型天使〉(1960年11月4日)。布兹和陶德帮助一位不情不愿的年轻母亲,她被当地镇民莫须有地指控犯下杀人罪。These were the sons of Abihail son of Huri, the son of Jaroah, the son of Gilead, the son of Michael, the son of Jeshishai, the son of Jahdo, the son of Buz.这都是亚比孩的儿子。亚比孩是户利的儿子顷隐;户利是耶罗亚的儿子;耶罗亚是基列的儿子;基列是米迦勒的儿子;米迦勒是耶示筛的儿让樱子;耶示筛是耶哈多的儿子;耶哈多是布斯的儿子。Dedan, Tema, Buz and all who are in distant places;底但,提玛,布斯,和一切剃周围头发的。


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