

2023-08-21 12:44:15 编辑:join 浏览量:541


变形金刚4刚开场的歌曲是Imagine Dragons(梦龙乐队)的《all for you》

歌名:all for you(《变形金刚4》插曲)

演唱:Imagine Dragons(梦龙乐队)



I get caught in the water

I get torn in the wind

I could drown in the river

While the sun goes down

I get tossed by the ocean

Piled deep in the sand

I'm drowned out by the thunder

Lost in a laugh

Is anyone listening?

Is anyone around to see

That I'm doing it all for you

I'm doing it all for you

I'm ready to go

I'm ready to go

I'm doing it all for you

I'm doing it all for you

I'm ready to go

I'm ready to go

1.主题曲梦龙乐队《battle cry》


3.林肯公园-《Arrival To Earth》

4.Heartbreaker - Paul Salva

5.Nasty Girl - T.J. Miller

6.Dat Slap - Rodnae Da Boss Feat. Fiend AKA International Jones

7.First Light - Racing Glaciers

8.Moonlight Reflected on the Er-Quan Spring - Lei Qiang

9.U Can't Touch This - M.C. Hammer

10.Daybreak - Han Geng

11.All for You - Imagine Dragons你自己看着办吧


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