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CHOSE vs CHOOSE: How to Use Choose vs Chose in Sentences 如何在句子中使用Choose与Chose

Learn the difference between Chose vs Choose . When it comes to verbs, the different forms can be quite confusing. Fortunately, the confusion caused by these two words choose vs chose can be cleared up with ease.学习“Chose”和“Choose”的区别。说到动词,不同的形式可能会让人很困惑。幸运的是,choose和choose这两个词引起的混淆可以很容易地消除。


“ chose ”是一般过去时

“ choose ”是一般现在时

Both words are different forms of the same verb: to choose , which means “ decide on a course of action ” or “ pick up something as being the best or most appropriate of two or more alternatives ”. The only difference between chose vs choose is their tense: chose is the past tense of the verb, while choose is the present tense of the verb.

这两个词都是同一个动词的不同形式:to choose(选择),意思是“决定一项行动计划”或“在两种或两种以上的选择中选择最好的或最合适的”。choose和choose之间唯一的区别是时态:choose是动词的过去时,而choose是动词的现在时。

When to Use Choose 何时使用Choose

You use choose when talking about doing something now or in general. 在谈论现在或一般情况下做某事时,你会选择。


It’s hard for me to CHOOSE between these two. 我很难在这两者之间做出选择。 Salty or spicy chips? I can never CHOOSE . 咸薯条还是辣薯条?我永远无法选择。 When to Use Chose 何时使用Chose

You use chose when talking about something you did in the past. 当你谈论你过去做过的事情时,你用choose。


I had bad grades so I CHOSE to drop out of school. 我的成绩很差,所以我选择辍学。 We CHOSE some curtains with a flower motif. 我们选了一些花卉图案的窗帘。 Tips for the Differences between Choose vs Chose choose和choose的区别提示

For remembering which of the two you should use, look at how the word choose looks like. It has two o’s in the middle which look like someone’s eyes. Pretend that you have to choose something really important right now, so you need both eyes (o’s in this case) for that. 为了记住你应该使用这两个词中的哪一个,看一下单词choose的样子。它的中间有两个o,看起来像某人的眼睛。假设你现在必须选择一些非常重要的东西,所以你需要两只眼睛(本例中是o)。

Chose vs Choose Examples:

I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it. 我提了一个建议,但他们却置之不理。 They chose a famous barrister to represent them in court. 他们选择了一位著名的大律师在法庭上代表他们。 The judge chose to ignore the views of the doctors. 法官选择无视医生的意见。 I chose to learn German rather than French. 我选择学德语而不是法语。 John chose the least expensive of the book in these books. 约翰选了这些书中最便宜的一本。 He chose his words carefully when commenting on her work. 他评论她的作品时用词谨慎。 You can choose either a fixed or floating interest rate for the loan. 你可以选择贷款的固定利率或浮动利率。 It is always important to choose enjoyable, nutritious foods. 选择令人愉快、营养丰富的食物总是很重要的。 I like to read deeply in any subject that I choose to study. 我喜欢深入阅读任何我选择学习的科目。 We have to choose a new manager from a shortlist of five candidates. 我们必须从五名候选人中选出一名新经理。 Students are given the freedom to choose their own topics. 学生可以自由选择自己的话题。 It is difficult to choose between two such nice houses. 很难在这么好的两所房子中做出选择。 How to Use Choose vs Chose | Picture 如何使用选择vs选择|图片


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