

2023-06-15 12:37:55 编辑:join 浏览量:574



我就站在高处 感受风的脚步

我们都很清楚 这一场轰轰烈烈的投入 不能喊输


我和我的冲突 既美丽又残酷

左边潇洒孤独 右边想比你幸福

我再不那么在乎 就算想你也全数排除

为自己 变魔术 看清楚

我的勇敢 我的快乐 现场演出 全程记录我真情流露

不想痛哭 不想装酷 换来欢呼 这才是我想要走的路

为自己 变魔术 看清楚

我不在乎那些痛苦 我只在乎真心付出

我和我的冲突 既美丽又残酷

左边潇洒孤独 右边想比你幸福

我再不那么在乎 就算想你也全数排除

为自己 变魔术 看清楚

我的勇敢 我的快乐 现场演出 爱情只是浪漫的舞步

不想痛哭 不想装酷 换来欢呼 这才是我想要走的路

为自己 变魔术 看清楚

我不在乎 那些痛苦 我只在乎真心的付出

为自己 变魔术 看清楚

我的勇敢 我的快乐 现场演出 全程记录我真情流露

不想痛哭 不想装酷 换来欢呼 这才是我想要走的路

为自己 变魔术 看清楚

我不在乎 那些痛苦 我只在乎真心付出

我只在乎 卖力演出 如果人生能得到祝福


I stand high and feel the wind footstep

We all know that this vigorous investment can't shout

Until glory attract worldwide attention

My conflict is beautiful and cruel

On the left, the left and the right, the right and the right, want to be happier than you

I don't care so much, even if I want you to eliminate

See clear for yourself

My brave and my happy live performance recorded my true feelings

Don't want to cry, don't want to play cool for cheering, this is the way I want to go

See clear for yourself

I don't care about those pain. I only care about the heart

My conflict is beautiful and cruel

On the left, the left and the right, the right and the right, want to be happier than you

I don't care so much, even if I want you to eliminate

See clear for yourself

My brave, my happy live show, love is just a romantic dance step

Don't want to cry, don't want to play cool for cheering, this is the way I want to go

See clear for yourself

I don't care about those pain. I only care about the heart

See clear for yourself

My brave and my happy live performance recorded my true feelings

Don't want to cry, don't want to play cool for cheering, this is the way I want to go

See clear for yourself

I don't care about those pain. I only care about the heart

I only care to work hard, if life can get blessings


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